Guidelines for requesting a donation from The Rotary Club of Kelowna
Community Donations Committee
Each year we research the needs of the community of Kelowna, which guides how we give our funds for the following year. In June this year our research showed us that the economy was still bad and that basic necessities are in great demand. Last year the Salvation Army collected more food than it has ever done and this food would normally last all year. However the food ran out in June this year and the Salvation Army has spent large sums buying more. The story is the same for the Food Bank.
We only support organisations, because donations to individuals support one person, whereas donations to organisations support many people. We are therefore restricting our donations to organisations that provide food, warmth, shelter or security. Also we raise our money locally and we choose to support organisations that are based in Kelowna. Finally do not want to support operating costs for organisations (e.g. wages, heating, lighting, etc). as this will leave a problem when we stop supporting the organisation. We prefer to support items which have a long life (e.g. equipment, building alterations, computers, etc). If your request is not for these items, we wish you every success in your endeavour, but please do not send your request to us this year. However, please see Other Orgs for a list of organisations where you may get help.
We also would like to promote our Rotary Club, therefore we ask that you be prepared to join in with us in publicising our support of your organisation as our club survives when like minded people see us working in the community. The club has also always enjoyed helping the people we support. For instance the Salvation Army needed some landscaping done and we were delighted to donate the plants and help clean and plant the area. If your organisation can provide similar fellowship opportunities, that will strengthen your request.
Our process is to assess small requests (sums under $500) in real time, larger requests are approved at three levels in the club and require more time.
If your request matches our priorities, please download an application form (under "Files" at the LHS of this page). When complete, or for questions:
Rotary Club of Kelowna Donations Committee Chair
Gordon Savage -